Sunday, March 18, 2007

Week One not a Weak One

Hello new-born Comped Music community!

Well, we're 1 week into this brand new (and strange) product and quite honestly, I'm pleased!
In one week we've gotten 4 artists and cataloged 24 songs! This is something Im really happy about, seeing as how 1 week ago the only 2 people knew about it. And to have 3 artists SUBMIT their work in ALREADY is phenomenal.

Quickly, I'd like to clear up some confusion: YES you can submit pretty much any audio format including MIDI (however, the more "common" it is the better...Mp3 being pretty much the most common - sending a .ogg might not be the best idea) you can ALSO submit image files of your sheet music if theres no way you're able to send in audio files. We want to be compatible with what you send to us.

I guess in conclusion, the only thing I cant stress is PLEASE help spread the word. Those here now are going to be the founding members of this group and if you can help in any way possible by posting this on a forum, or your website, or tell a few friends who write their own music. It will help a TON.

Be sure to check out some of Cryora's long list of songs, Digitally Hazardous' catchy tunes, and DJDarkShadow's slick song called "Starry Roads". Be sure to drop some feedback too using the comment system!

With that said, heres best wishes to another week of Comped Music!

Enjoy your stay!

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